Source code for

import subprocess
import os

[docs]def execute (command, directory = None, verbosity = 1, executable = None): """Execute an application command (including any arguments) in a command line shell.""" PIPE = subprocess.PIPE if verbosity: print (' : -> Executing: %s' % command) process = subprocess.Popen ([command], cwd = directory, shell = True, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, env = os.environ.copy (), executable=executable) output, error = process.communicate () if verbosity: if process.returncode == 0: print (' : -> Shell command done.') else: print (' : -> Shell command returned a non-zero exit code.') print (' : -> The standard output and the standard error are printed below.') print (' : -> STDOUT:') print (output.decode ('ascii')) print (' : -> STDERR:') print (error.decode ('ascii')) return process.returncode