Source code for spux.executors.mpi4py.connectors.legacy

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# Connector class for subdivision of MPI.COMM_WORLD into manager and workers
# using mpi4py bindings and MPI backend for distributed memory paralellization
# Legacy version of the 'Split' connector, avoiding the use of Accept/Connect
# Marco Bacci
# Eawag, Switzerland
# All rights reserved.
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from mpi4py import MPI
from .utils import universe_address
from .split import Split, get_ranks

[docs]class Legacy (Split): """Class to establish workers MPI processes when dealing with legacy MPI implementations.""" # connect manager with the number of requested workers by returning a port needed to connect to an inter-communicator
[docs] def bootup (self, contract, task, resource, root, verbosity): """Inter-connect manager with the number of requested workers by returning leader rank.""" # get ranks according to specified resources ranks = get_ranks (resource, root, manager=1) # get universe rank of manager, i.e., remote leader for workers manager_rank = universe_address () # the remote leader of the workers is the one with local rank 0, # i.e., the one with the lowest universe rank remote_leader = min (ranks) # contact specified ranks and form the inter-comm requests = [] for rank in ranks: requests += [ MPI.COMM_WORLD.isend (manager_rank, dest=rank) ] MPI.Request.waitall (requests) workers = self.accept (remote_leader, verbosity) # broadcast contract to all workers workers.bcast (contract, root=MPI.ROOT) # broadcast rank of leader, task template and the connector to workers workers.bcast ((manager_rank, task, self), root=MPI.ROOT) # disconnect from workers workers.Disconnect () workers = None return remote_leader
[docs] @staticmethod def shutdown (port, verbosity): """Finalize connector.""" pass
[docs] @staticmethod def connect (remote_leader, peers): """Establish connection on worker side.""" manager = peers.Create_intercomm (local_leader=0, peer_comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, remote_leader=remote_leader, tag=remote_leader) return manager
[docs] @staticmethod def accept (remote_leader, verbosity): """Establish connection on manager side.""" manager_rank = universe_address () workers = MPI.COMM_SELF.Create_intercomm (local_leader=0, peer_comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, remote_leader=remote_leader, tag=manager_rank) return workers
[docs] @staticmethod def disconnect (workers, verbosity): """Interrupt connection.""" workers.Disconnect ()