Source code for spux.processes.ornsteinuhlenbeck

import numpy

import numba
OrnsteinUhlenbeck_numba_spec = [
    ('tau', numba.float64),
    ('t', numba.float64),
    ('xi', numba.float64),

[docs]class OrnsteinUhlenbeck (object): """Class for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.""" def __init__ (self, tau): self.tau = tau
[docs] def init (self, t, xi): self.t = t self.xi = xi
[docs] def evaluate (self, t, rng): """Evaluate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process at time 't'.""" if t < self.t: assert t >= self.t, ' :: ERROR: OU process assumes evaluation of increasing time sequence, and not %f < %f' % (t, self.t) if t == self.t: return self.xi dt = t - self.t try: val = numpy.exp (-2 * dt / self.tau) V = 1.0 - val except FloatingPointError as e: try: print(":: WARNING: Floating Error in OU process ({}). Setting V to 1 {}".format(val,e)) except: print(":: WARNING: Floating Error in OU process. Setting V to exactly 1.",e) V = 1.0 E = self.xi * numpy.exp (-dt / self.tau) self.xi = rng.normal (loc=E, scale=numpy.sqrt (V)) self.t = t return numpy.float64 (self.xi)