Source code for spux.plot.mpl_utils

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Utils for MatPlotLib plotting class
# Jonas Sukys
# Eawag, Switzerland
# All rights reserved.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

import matplotlib

# does not need $DISPLAY - must be called before import pylab
matplotlib.use ('Agg')

# figure configuration
matplotlib.rcParams ["figure.max_open_warning"] = 100
matplotlib.rcParams ["savefig.dpi"] = 300

# font configuration
matplotlib.rcParams ["font.size"] = 16
matplotlib.rcParams ["legend.fontsize"] = 14

# === helper routines

import os

# create a new solid color which is slighly brighter
[docs]def brighten (color, factor=0.7): """Create a new solid color which is slighly brighter.""" if color is None: return None rgb = list (matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter().to_rgb (color)) brighter = rgb for channel, value in enumerate (rgb): brighter [channel] += factor * (1.0 - value) return tuple (brighter)
# generate figure name using the format 'figpath/pwd_suffix.extension'
[docs]def figname (save, figpath="fig", suffix="", extension="pdf"): """Generate figure name using the format 'figpath/pwd_suffix.extension'.""" if save is not None: return save if not os.path.exists (figpath): os.mkdir (figpath) runpath, rundir = os.path.split (os.getcwd ()) if suffix == "": return os.path.join (figpath, rundir + "_" + "." + extension) else: return os.path.join (figpath, rundir + "_" + suffix + "." + extension)
# # compute parameters needed for the generation of the TexTable # def getTexTableConfig (): # # config # keys = ['grid_size', 'cores', 'runtime', 'cluster'] # captions = ['grid size', 'cores', 'runtime', 'cluster'] # # aggregation of information # import time # values = {} # #if isinstance (self.mlmc.config.discretizations [self.mlmc.config.L], dict): # # grid = 'x'.join ( [ str(parameter) for parameter in self.mlmc.config.discretizations [self.mlmc.config.L] .values() ] ) # #else: # grid = str ( self.mlmc.config.discretizations [self.mlmc.config.L] ) # values ['grid_size'] = grid # values ['cores'] = self.mlmc.status.list ['parallelization'] # values ['cluster'] = self.mlmc.status.list ['cluster'] # if self.mlmc.finished: # runtime = self.mlmc.mcs [self.mlmc.config.L] .timer (batch=1) ['max'] # values ['runtime'] = time.strftime ( '%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime (runtime) ) # else: # values ['runtime'] = self.mlmc.status.list ['walltimes'] [-1] [0] # # number of levels # if self.mlmc.config.L != 0: # keys = ['L'] + keys # captions = [r'$L$'] + captions # values ['L'] = self.mlmc.config.L # return [keys, captions, values] # # generate TeX code with the table including information about the simulation # def generateTexTable (base): # # get the config # [keys, captions, opts] = self.getTexTableConfig () # # TeX code generation # columns = '|' + 'c|' * len(keys) # text = '\n' # text += r'\begin{tabular}{%s}' % columns + '\n' # text += r'\hline' + '\n' # text += (r'%s & ' * len(captions))[0:-2] % tuple(captions) + r'\\' + '\n' # text += r'\hline' + '\n' # text += (r'%s & ' * len(keys))[0:-2] % tuple([opts[key] for key in keys]) + r'\\' + '\n' # text += r'\hline' + '\n' # text += r'\end{tabular}' + '\n' # # saving # f = open (base + '.tex', 'w') # f.write (text) # f.close ()