Source code for spux.executors.mpi4py.connectors.spawn

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# Connector class for spawning workers directly from the manager at the OS level
# using mpi4py bindings and MPI backend for distributed memory paralellization
# Jonas Sukys
# Eawag, Switzerland
# All rights reserved.
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from mpi4py import MPI
import os
import sys

[docs]class Spawn (object): """Class to establish workers MPI processes by spawning of new processes.""" def __init__ (self, verbosity = 0): self.verbosity = verbosity # connect manager with the number of requested workers by returning a port needed to connect to an inter-communicator
[docs] def bootup (self, contract, task, resource, root=0, verbosity=0): """Return means of inter-communication along a possible hierarchy of processes.""" directory, filename = os.path.split (os.path.realpath (__file__)) worker = os.path.join (directory, "") info = MPI.Info.Create () info.Set ('wdir', os.getcwd ()) if verbosity: print ("Spawning workers:", resource ['workers']) workers = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn (sys.executable, args=[worker], maxprocs=resource ['workers'], info=info) # n = MPI.COMM_SELF.Get_attr (MPI.UNIVERSE_SIZE) # broadcast contract to workers workers.bcast (contract, root=MPI.ROOT) # open a port for workers to connect to port = MPI.Open_port () # broadcast port, task template and the connector to workers workers.bcast ((port, task, self), root=MPI.ROOT) # disconnect from workers workers.Disconnect () workers = None return port
[docs] def barrier (self): return None
[docs] def init (self, resources): return None
[docs] @staticmethod def shutdown (port, verbosity): """Finalize connector.""" MPI.Close_port (port)
[docs] @staticmethod def connect (port, peers): """Establish connection on worker side.""" manager = peers.Connect (port) return manager
[docs] @staticmethod def accept (port, verbosity): """Establish connection.""" workers = MPI.COMM_SELF.Accept (port) return workers
[docs] @staticmethod def disconnect (workers, verbosity): """Interrupt connection.""" workers.Disconnect ()